I’m Montana.

I’m a lover of words and wilding; tea and toast. I’m never not making things with my hands - stitching or sewing, baking or bookbinding, dyeing or designing, reading or writing. I’m a mama and wife, I’m brand and web designer for creative folk, and just moved back to my hometown Bellingen, on the NSW mid-north coast, Australia.

I create for those who live with intention; the dreamers, the intuitive creatives and the discerning folk who long for a life of more, with less. I make things - and this is my online studio. Half-full cups and cake crumbs adorn every surface, bright patterned paper and fresh pages lay half-stitched in the baskets.

I’m so glad you’re here.

The older I get, the firmer I believe in the things that make my heart sing. Sunshine is beautiful, but rain refreshes the soul. A cup of tea might not fix the problem, but it won’t make it any worse. And parenthood is a perpetual dance of wanting to be squeezed forever, and just wanting five minutes by yourself, every minute of every day.

I believe the sun should never set on an argument, and that Savage Garden knew a thing or two about simplicity and intentionality. I believe Simplicity doesn’t happen by accident. It takes effort and practice; intentionally choosing simple, saying no more often, and pouring out endless grace to yourself when you get it wrong. A simple life doesn’t mean a lofty vision of a future that’s always just out of reach. Instead, it’s finding small ways to weave the life you dream of into your days, as they are, right now.

Slow living is a way of life as unique and varied as the many people who live it. But at its core, the red thread that binds us all together is the banishing of busyness, the cultivation of life at our own pace and the celebration of joy even in the smallest moments.

It’s intentionally culling and curating our lives, peeling back the unnecessary layer by layer and building up a life of intention brick by brick until we feel at home within ourselves.


Simple stationery designed to make writing your ritual. Peruse the shelves and pick up a thing or two. Previous-season products will be archived soon, so pop on in and fill a basket.



Words. Therapy for the writer upon writing, therapy for the reader upon reading. Take a peek at the pages of my creative journal.



My studio work keeps food on the table and tea in the tin. If you’re a creative business owner in need of brand or website witchery, stop by the Camellia Co studio and say hello.



Pour another cup and enjoy simple mail, an occasional note of encouragement, life musings, inspiration and updates.